Truly getting to know yourself is the only way to change your actions!

Happiness is not outside
What do we do when we are upset, sad or bored ? We go shopping, start eating our favourite food, watch a movie or try to distract ourselves in one way or the other. This is because our mind is programmed to seek happiness outside. When we feel low, we simply distract ourselves or try to find happiness in the outside world.
How many times have you tried to observe yourself, your problems, your thoughts?
We always try to avoid the problem rather than facing it which in turn makes us feel worse in long term.
Everything you need is already within you.The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything. They don't have the greatest financial wealth, they have the greatest spiritual wealth. Happiness is a mindset. It is something we all can have. Real happiness cannot be found outside of us. It is always and only found within us.

Introspection or self reflection
The other way to look at similar situations is the process called introspection, where we analyze our thoughts and try to identify the root cause of the problem which will help to take action in a manner which gives a permenant solution.
In this fast-paced world, we need to set aside a small amount of time for our well being, for self examination. This can be a lot more helpful than looking outside for a temporary solution. Also, when we introspect, we are able to find the wrong within ourselves rather than finding it in others.

Control on thought traffic to increase productivity

According to National Science Foundation,
an average person has about 12000-80000 thoughts per day (around 2000 thoughts per hour).Out of which, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive. This drains our energy and destroys our ability to think.
Thought checks should be done every now and then to stop the thought traffic accumulated throughout the day and to clear the chaos going on in the mind.

We all can atleast try to do thought checks every hour by simply asking ourselves - What am I thinking about? How long have I been thinking ? Is it worth to spend time thinking about this?
This will take your productivity to the next level as you will no longer be spending your energy and time on useless thoughts.

Increase in self awareness
When you will build the habit of introspection, you will be able to keep your mind clear of unnecessary thoughts.You will become more "self aware" version of yourself. You will be able to easily pinpoint your passions, take control of your actions and make necessary changes to get outcomes you desire.
It will become easier to understand other people and how they perceive you in return.

You will become the master of your future.

Less risk of mental health issues
Managing your thoughts by introspection and self awareness will make you a mentally healthy person. You can fully eliminate the chances of ever being mentally ill. Stress, anxiety and depression will no longer hamper your decision making abilities. You will become happier and stress free. Your life will be changed in a positive way.

So far, we have understood the importance of looking within ourselves. But putting it into practice is equally important.
During this Covid-19 lockdown, we all can take a step for ourselves , that is to invest in our well-being. Take out atleast one hour (preferrably in the morning) to meditate, to sit back and reflect at your thoughts and your life.

Be blessed.

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  1. Really well written, nice beginning and surveys give more attention to the blog, we think about it but never try to write it...Thanka for such a blog...will like to read more.

  2. Very nice blog interesting and knowledgeable


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